
Status of all rulesets are here. (and you can download and update the rulesets instantly with this page!)

bosu bosu Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

March 30, 2024 08:28 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 1.1 MiB

  • Performance improvements
  • Improved sliders generation

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Cytosu Cytosu borked pre-release

This ruleset is marked as archived and no longer update by the creator.

Latest version name


Latest release

September 17, 2021 01:24 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 35.0 KiB

Pre-release version, as always. Don't have enough time to look into this project as I'm pretty busy with work right now, so there probably won't be a major update coming any time soon.

What's new:

  • Bump osu version to 2021.916.0

We are not support direct download for pre-release rulesets from GitHub now. Please get it from ruleset release page instead..

GitHub release page

Go to rulesets wiki page

gamebosu gamebosu Playable

Latest version name

2024.506.0 release

Latest release

May 6, 2024 08:14 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 345.5 KiB

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken
Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2024.412.1

It has been more than 4 months since the last update.

Hishigata Hishigata Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

January 30, 2024 01:12 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 52.0 KiB

Thank you for showing interest in this ruleset. This is a tagged release (2024.130.0).
If you like this ruleset, do consider supporting me.

This release resolves a crash that could occur on the 2024.130.2 release of osu!lazer

What's Changed

  • Use correct language code for Catalan by @agatemosu in

Full Changelog:


Complaints? Suggestion? Or just want to discuss stuff?

Feel free to join the sentakki discord for a direct communication line to devs, and exclusive access to insider test builds.


Refer to this wiki page

Hitokori Hitokori Playable

Latest version name

Hitokori 0.18.25

Latest release

May 4, 2024 07:19 AM UTC

File Detail

Size : 502.5 KiB

Fixes a breaking change with newest osu version.

Download latest version

This ruleset is support localisation but no filename provided on our database, you can download it from GitHub release page..

GitHub release page

Go to rulesets wiki page

osu!DIVA osu!DIVA Playable

Latest version name

osu!DIVA - 2023.1114.1

Latest release

November 23, 2023 08:52 AM UTC

File Detail

Size : 978.0 KiB

Bump osu!lazer compatibility to 2023.1114.1

Rush! Rush! Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

February 21, 2024 10:14 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 3.6 MiB

What's Changed

  • Update to NET8 and bump osu by @LumpBloom7 in

Full Changelog:

Sandbox Sandbox Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

June 25, 2024 05:30 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 2.3 MiB

  • Fixed music visualizer crash after 2024.625.0 lazer updae

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sentakki sentakki Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

May 19, 2024 04:33 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 747.0 KiB

Thank you for showing interest in this ruleset. This is a tagged release (2024.519.0).
If you like this ruleset, do consider supporting me.

This release resolves a minor incompatibility that could occur on the 2024.519.0 release of osu!lazer

What's Changed

  • 🌟 Reduce combo score contribution to 1% from 20% by @LumpBloom7 in
  • 🌟 Use spinnerbonus as the break sample by @LumpBloom7 in
  • 🌟 Fix sample playback position issues by @LumpBloom7 in
  • Left is left and right is right now

  • Fix non-snaking fan slides by @LumpBloom7 in

  • Add shadow to fan slides by @LumpBloom7 in

  • Fix not receiving bonus on ex notes by @LumpBloom7 in

  • Bump ppy.osu.Game from 2024.412.1 to 2024.517.0 by @dependabot in
  • Bump NUnit from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in

  • New Crowdin updates in

  • Japanese translations provided by Shiumano
  • Czech translations provided by Jakuqar

Full Changelog:


Complaints? Suggestion? Or just want to discuss stuff?

Feel free to join the sentakki discord for a direct communication line to devs, and exclusive access to insider test builds.


Refer to this wiki page

Steps to install language packs can be found here.

Solosu Solosu Playable

Latest version name

Solosu 1.0.9

Latest release

November 18, 2023 03:40 AM UTC

File Detail

Size : 93.0 KiB

Bumped osu version.

soyokaze soyokaze Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

May 17, 2024 11:06 AM UTC

File Detail

Size : 143.0 KiB


What's Changed

Bug fixes & Maintenance

  • Bump ppy.osu.Game from 2024.412.1 to 2024.517.0 by @dependabot in

Full Changelog:

Swing Swing Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

March 11, 2024 06:16 PM UTC

File Detail

Size : 128.0 KiB

  • Fixed ruleset crash after 2024.312.0 lazer update

Support this and other projects:

Tau Tau Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

April 13, 2024 08:44 AM UTC

File Detail

Size : 207.0 KiB

This release resolves a major incompatibility that could occur on the 2024.412.0 release of osu!lazer

What's Changed

  • Bump ppy.osu.Game from 2024.312.0 to 2024.412.0 by @dependabot in

Full Changelog:


To install this ruleset just simply put this .DLL file onto your osu/Rulesets directory under %appdata%/.
osu!lazer will do the rest for you.


Localisations for this ruleset are available. If you want to help with translation efforts, please visit our crowdin page.

Installing translations

Download the included in this release and extract it to the same place as you would place the tau DLL (%appdata%/osu/Rulesets).
The file structure should look something like the following:

  • rulesets/
  • ar/
  • fr/
  • .../
  • osu.Game.Rulesets.Tau.dll

Have a feature to suggest? Or encountered a bug? Or just want to chat with people interested in tau? Join the discord server!

touhosu touhosu Playable

Latest version name


Latest release

October 8, 2023 04:56 AM UTC

File Detail

Size : 178.5 KiB

  • Fixed ruleset errors after 2023.1008.0 lazer update

Support this and other projects:

Yoso Yoso Playable

This function is not support in rulesets that is from Patreon. You can go to rulesets creator's Patreon at Get from Patreon!