touhosu recommended beatmaps

Recommend beatmaps for playing with touhosu from ruleset creator and other player.

Recommended by players


by Silentroom vs. Frums



mapped by Kyumo

Similar to the Touhou experience. It has what feels like random patterns, but also has some cool patterns with it, making for an overall fun time.

Recommend by SealsarecuteR SealsarecuteR


WYSI -When You See It-

by Camellia


mapped by too

This is not a map that you play normally, but it's cool to see a crazy pattern. You can actually avoid most of it if you sit in certain spots, and when you do it it's super satisfying. Not good quality, as the map is only 40 seconds, but fun to try out.

Recommend by SealsarecuteR SealsarecuteR
